Allen is a chiropractic physician who received a concussion after an auto accident. He didn't lose consciousness but has had brain fog and less efficient thinking since the accident. He completed 8 sessions of trans-cranial photo-biomodulation treatment with Dr. Clark. Listen to his account.
Mike had severe Covid in 2020 that led to a 14 day stay in the hospital. He survived but has had lingering brain fog and cognitive impairment since. Photobiomodulation (PBM) corrects mitochondrial dysfunction by energizing cytochrome C of the electron transport chain with specific wave lengths of near infra red light. Mike had 9 sessions of transcranial PBM. Every good thing that follows comes from a virtuous cascade of repair and return to normal function. Let Mike tell you in his own words.
Lois was stuck in constant headache, with extreme sensitivity to light, sound and touch, with problems forming whole sentences and thinking clearly after her type I Traumatic Brain Injury. She has a past history of concussions that could be contributing to an accumulative effect with this recent injury. Lois noticed a meaningful positive change after her first Trans Cranial Photon Therapy. At the end of her treatment series Lois has regained most of her normal cognitive function and ability to tolerate every day sensory inputs. Her healing process to fully recovered is expected to continue from here now that it has been set fully in motion. Click the video for her account in her own words.
Beth has worked to overcome long Covid symptoms since she first contracted the virus in Spring 2020. Photon Therapy with doctor Clark has moved her past remaining obstacles in headache and crisp cognition.